Friday, October 30, 2009

Style Miss

Hello. Hello.

Thanks for taking time to checkout my blog.

This is actually my third blog this year (fourth if you include my vintage store). My first blog, Style Economcis is about my personal style, fashion trends and bargain finds. My second blog, Queen of Sole is all about shoes. I love both of my blogs. So what made me decide to start this blog? Well, as I've mentioned in my other blog, I', a Christian. I just thought of using my passion for fashion to share my even bigger passion for Christ. I also realized that I should learn to become a more responsible blogger. And since most of the time, I go out with friends from church or I attend activities related to missions, I think it is only fitting to blog about serving the Lord in style. Christianity does not make anyone less fun or less stylish.

Anyway, I hope you start following this blog.